Give your emotions a chance.

Give your emotions a chance. You are the one who decides what you do with your sentiment triggered by … “whatever”. You choose what you make out of the energy arising. Emotions are by themselves neither positive nor negative. They are energy. Neutral.

Your reaction will create a mud fight, a slapstick, or nothingness if you let go of it. The sooner we become aware of our doing, the better. We can only halt upfront, get the whole picture, weigh the pros and cons, and then answer with the best long-term outcome.

My habitual way is waiting when I feel triggered until the situation can’t scratch me anymore. I wait for the wave to dissolve, and I address the issue only then.

Even though it might be so utterly satisfying to hurl back with an emotional email, it is just not a good idea. Instead, the king’s path is to use the potential energy for another project.

Champagne for the mind #20 — January 9, 2023 (published on


Timeout. Let’s make a retreat.


New Year's resolution.