Timeout. Let’s make a retreat.

Whenever I have two kilos, too many, I begin dreaming of a Panchakarma cure. I know, it does the trick. With a bit of suffering and lots of physical pleasure, I will lose weight. And on top, I will have time to meditate, think, write, read, swim, and dream. This can only be rejuvenating and life-prolonging.

I am with me and my mind alone, my emotions and thoughts. I take time for the here and now but also for more serious subjects such as family and friends dying and my death. I often write the next version of my testament during such a retreat.

This time, after a short afternoon nap, I opened my eyes to the clear vision of where my ashes would go when the time came. Isn’t it remarkable how our subconscious brings up subjects to look at when we give ourselves this extra space? My internal hint inspired me to look where I was growing my roots today.

If you, too, are thirsty for alone time, please read my blog about going into retreat. I collected some helpful best practices, which are good to know before you begin. If you need help beyond that, I am happy to assist you in setting a reasonable frame. Contact me.

Champagne for the mind #21 — January 9, 2023 (published on medium.com)


No feeling lasts.


Give your emotions a chance.