Stress — when the heart can’t follow the mind.

What is stress? My humble observation: When the heart can’t follow the mind or the mind cannot follow the heart. When our thoughts are faster and all over the place, instead of noticing how we feel. When we lose overview and if we ignore our physical, emotional, or mental needs.

That’s why meditation has this instant release and calm down factor. We connect mind and body, which grounds us — fewer new impressions and not speaking help too. Being in contact with ourselves instead of cruising around in the past and future focuses us. As our nervous system calms down, more clarity can show up. With more distance, things become relative and less critical. The body is granting us a trustful reference point.

So sit down: notice the ground underneath you, connect with the sky above you, and feel the air at the tip of your nose come and go … Enjoy!

Champagne for the mind #27 — February 19, 2023


When you meet a monster.


Happy Valentine’s — Love needs space to breathe.