PARIS - one Day and one Night.

Image created with words of this post together with AI (Midjourney) by the author ©CatyHartung

Already choosing the hotel for Paris and the ten-hour drive was different. Arriving, I was awake, inspired; all cells stood up to experience the moment. Joy was in and all around me. Leaving the hotel and entering Place des Vosges, a downpour welcomed us. Running under the old trees, we giggled like children. That the food wasn’t perfect didn’t matter. The familiar streets to the restaurant and the people around us counted. Early morning we took a bike, randomly cruising some streets of the Marais. Breakfast. Back on the bike visit to Notre Dame. The extent of the project and the people's dedication to restoring everything with the same materials were touching. And — our time was up. We checked out with a gift in my hand— an umbrella from the Hotel.

Sixteen hours of taking in the town of my youth and dreams. The city of love, art and poetry, form and chic. Flow, openness, and inspiration. Life.

Paris, what makes you so unique? What provokes the rise of awareness in me as nowhere else? What moments in life condition us to feel like that in certain places? What do you think?

Champagne for the Mind #56 — August 19, 2023




The moment is gold.